
MT4-Double Fibonacci

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Fibonacci will be designed by default based on the monthly candle but you can simultaneously view Fibonacci on a weekly candle or you can choose your two favorite timeframes.

When you run this script, an input prompt will appear and the following input parameters can be configured:

Input Parameters:

Name Example Default
Timeframe1 Monthly 43200
Timeframe2 Weekly 10080
TF1status 1 on 1
TF2status 0 off 0
candleID you can choose which candle to apply 1
Prefix1 It's is the prefix of the first object fibonacci
Prefix It's is the prefix of the secondary object fibo
Width It's the size of the lines 2

To optimize the Fibonacci reading, I take its values ​​and divide them into percentages so as to have only 4 lines that represent it.

You can apply this script on the chart of any currency pair or any stock.

It will not open any purchase or sale operation because this program is limited only to drawing fibonacci.

The script is free, I just ask you to be kind in leaving me your opinion.

Thanks :-)